
Teresa Garland, MOT, OTRL

I am a retired Occupational Therapist, trainer and author. 

A number of my web casts, including day-long classes on self-regulation, are available through www.pesi.com. CEU credits are available for all courses. Other materials include:

Book: Self-Regulation: Interventions and Strategies is a 200-page reference guide to self regulation techniques for children with ADHD, autism and sensory disorders.

Book: Hands-On Activities for Children with Autism & Sensory Disorders, has over two hundred new multi-sensory interventions and includes the Environmental Enrichment protocol, in-class aerobics routines and 100 pages of crafts to appease the senses.

Hour-long DVD: Self-Regulation Strategies and Techniques demonstrates calming techniques (A to Z) for kids with and without autism. CEU credits are available.