Saturday, August 18, 2012

EFT Post Update

Here is an update to the original EFT post of a few weeks ago.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is an easy way to deprogram the brain of emotional garbage. The basic idea is that you tap on acupressure meridians while bringing up difficult emotions or memories followed by saying positive things (affirmations) about yourself. The claim is that the emotions disappear and the memories become neutral. The evidence says that it is effective and my own quick experimentation with it has sold me on it. Bad memories were indeed neutralized. It felt a bit like magic.

There are a number of YouTubes that demonstrate the method, including how to do this with a child. You will want to read The EFT Manual by Gary Craig before you try it. And by all means, don't do it on others if you are not professionally capable of handling the situations you could get into. There are lots of workshops out there that can give you a hands-on approach to learning it.

Here are the basic steps:

1. Name an emotion you are feeling.

2. Create an affirmation:

      But even though I am (emotion), I deeply and completely accept myself.

      Example: Even though I am angry, I deeply and completely accept myself.

3. Tap side of palm while saying affirmation.

4. Tap head, face and other points while saying emotion.

5. As you move to the wrists, say the affirmation again. 

6. Do steps 3-5 for several rounds until the emotion eases.

Doing EFT on the memory of an emotional incident
1. Name the memory (i.e. “fight with Sarah on the playground”).

2. Create an affirmation (as before).

3. Tap through the name of the memory until the child can say it without emotional reaction.

Now very slowly begin to play a part of the memory. Stop and tap until you are comfortable with it, then continue on with each section of the memory in the same fashion. You do not have to do the entire memory in one setting – break it up and do what is comfortable for you. Long or highly emotional memories will take a while. 

Older memories may have layers and layers of thoughts and emotions connected to them. Perhaps the child gets through one aspect (embarrassment of the situation) only for another aspect (fear of Sarah) to show up next.

 There is so much more to learn, but this is enough to experiment with. Remember – read the book, watch the YouTubes, practice on yourself and see how it works for you.

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